Remaining Consistent = Results

Honestly, I have struggled to write today’s blog. I feel like I have so much to say but it’s been hard to figure out what to write about. Almost a year ago I set out to have a weekly practice of corresponding with you about the random happenings and thoughts that I am having as I journey through motherhood. I set this writing goal to be in better practice of articulating my ideas in written form. You probably know that I like to talk so it’s always easier to express myself that way. 

My goal was to write once a week, every week. I started off strong until summer hit. Somehow I was able to keep up with the stores, teaching, and working with my coaching clients until school got out in June.

My first blog to many of you was on November 20th, 2021. Since then I have written to you 36 out 48 weekends. If someone were grading me, I’d get an 81% or B-. And, you know what? I’m 100% okay with it. 

Depending on who your parents are, you may have been raised to get As in school. I was raised by two kinds of parents – one that valued straight As and another who was fine with whatever came home as long as I did my best.

Me in front of a wall in Berlin last week.

What I’ve learned over the years, and I’d say especially as we grow the ice cream business and I walk alongside my coaching clients, is that putting forth your best effort consistently is what gets results. Taking imperfect action everyday is what gets results. Perfection does not get results because nothing is perfect.

As Shame Researcher, Author, and Professor Brené Brown says, “Perfectionism is a self-destructive and addictive belief system that fuels this primary thought, ‘If I look perfect and do everything perfectly, I can avoid or minimize the painful feelings of blame, judgment, and shame.’”

I guess today I wanted to share that sending you a message every week is a discipline I am trying to cultivate and out of the 44 weeks, I only showed up 36 times. But, it’s 36 more than I did the previous year and I am giving thanks for it. Sometimes when we miss the mark on a goal, it’s easier to give up than to just keep going. And, sometimes when we really don’t want to do what we set out to do because we’d rather catch up on Season 3 of Atlanta, we need to lean into the discomfort and do it anyway.

I’m not sure if there is any goal in your life that you are working towards. If there is, just keep going. If you have a misstep, just get back up and move forward. If you just don’t want to, push yourself to show up in the best way you can. You’ll be a lot farther along on your journey than if you had stopped.

Be okay with your imperfection. It’s freeing.

My best,

** You can find more content like this when you subscribe to my mailing list. I’m looking forward to connecting with you soon! :)


The Importance of Being Present


The Value Of Self-Care