The Mantra That Works

Hi there,
I hope you all enjoyed the weekend. 
This evening, I’m sharing a mantra that I wrote that may be of interest to some of you. Throughout my parenting journey, I find myself actively thinking about how I can be a more present and patient parent so that I can fill our kids with love. There will be nothing more valuable that Nick and I can leave them than a flush social emotional savings account. 
But, as an ambitious mother with professional aspirations that aren’t just focused on rearing her children, striking the balance between being present for them while giving the necessary attention to my career can be difficult.

Ila, Zadie, and I dyed paper flowers this week after school. It’s been a while since we’ve been able to do a project together so this was a welcomed activity in the middle of the week.

As summer approaches and the odd gaps of time where our kids will not be in camp come face-to-face with my work calendar, I have been thinking alot about how I can be present for them without neglecting my goals.
As with all of my goal setting and personal visioning work, I set an intention for what I’d like to achieve and how I’d like to show up in the world. This week it dawned on me that I should write a mantra for being a present parent so that the words can live in my soul.
I’m sharing the mantra with you today. You can find it here. If you ever grapple with the juggle between your maternal and professional careers, give this mantra a spin. Make edits to it as you see fit. But, let the words live in and with you so that you can embody them and mother from a place of presence and joy instead of mere obligation.
Have a great week ahead.

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