Turning Obstacles into Popsicles

Every year, without fail, school spring break seems to come out of nowhere. I plan for Christmas break, MLK weekend, and of course, summer break

But, spring break remains a moving target. 

This year has been no different. We’re one week into a two week break. Our kids’ classmates are currently enjoying vacations in Disney World and remote islands while they enjoy time off in what Ila has been calling “Destination Living Room.”

Me during last year's spring break. I clearly didn't set a reminder at the start of the school year to plan the 2024 Spring Recess. Lolz

Why I find myself here every year isn’t as important as the idea that at the end of the day, all kids want is quality time with their parents. No well-thought out, elaborate, or expensive getaway will ever replace that. 

On Day 5 of their spring break, Nick and I needed to have a staff meeting with our front of house team at our store in the Time Out Market. At first, I was looking to find a childcare solution for them at home while we led the meeting in Brooklyn. 

Then, Nick suggested we take them.

Picture of our Brooklyn Bridge family polaroid, the best souvenir from our unplanned vacation

They could see us at work in action, something that they don’t really see that much of, believe or not, and then we could do something fun in the area after. 

We ended up having lunch at the Market. Each child got to choose their meal. And then, we decided to walk across Brooklyn Bridge playing a car scavenger hunt game that we usually play when we’re in our car. We got to spend intentional time together doing something we don’t normally do and create a core memory in the process. 

Isn’t that what family vacations are all about anyway? 

I was grateful to have the opportunity to turn the obstacle of not having a well-thought out spring break childcare plan into a delicious popsicle that we will remember for years to come. 

Tomorrow, I’ll be in conversation at the James Beard Foundation Platform space with other mothers in the restaurant industry about how we navigate motherhood in our field. 

I’ll probably share this story while I’m there.

Have a great week!

With love,

Your Local Ice Cream Lady & Life/Business Coach

P.S. After April 1st, I will not be taking any new one-on-one clients until this fall. If you are looking for support from me as you transition out of work that no longer serves, speak now. Otherwise, I'll see you in the fall!


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