Practicing Self-Care

Hi there!

I'm sending a big hello to the new subscribers on this list.

This week, I'm asking you what role "play" plays within your self-care practices. It was a thought that came up in last week's New Mom's Group session. The mom that raised it, shared the thought after reading Brene Brown's "The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are," a book I recommended a few weeks ago. I mean...she listened to the book just in case anyone is wondering how she found time to read with a newborn. 

Check out the 1-min video below. I've also included a video transcription in case you'd prefer to read this week's reflection instead.

If you're new here or you participated in the Sugar Hill Creamery New Mom's Group, but didn't receive the first three weekly emails, you can check them out here: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3
Enjoy the weekend!


"Hi! So, this week I wanted to share a thought that came up in our New Mom's Group session...We talked about self-care. It's, you know, something that is used often. The definition of it means something different to all of us. But, the way that I think about it is 'What are the things, what are the actions that I'm doing for myself that are making deposits into my energy tank so that I can show up mentally, emotionally, physically for the people around me, because I have invested resources, time, et cetera, into an activity for myself?'

So, the thing that I wanted to share that really kind of struck a chord in a wonderful way is, "What role does play, play in our self-care routines, right?"

Sometimes we think taking a bath is self-care, or taking a walk or reading a book, but like what are the activities that we are doing, that are playful, that are on our self-care list? What are we giving ourselves the permission to explore experiment with without any sort of consequence or success rate or anything?

Play is so important for children and we lose sight of it as adults somehow. So where does play, play into our self-care regimen and routines? What activities are we doing that are playful, that are helping us recharge?

It's something to think about. Hopefully, it's helpful. Have a great week.

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