The Reality of Mother’s Day
Well, today is Mother’s Day--our big day of the year.
Honestly, Mother’s Day is like Black History Month to me. Everyday is Black History Month and everyday is Mother’s Day. Mmkay?
This week, I thought I was going to share more about how I spent Thursday in Ila’s court hearing advocating for her to receive a fair and appropriate education. It has taken three years to get to this point of advocacy, so the hearing was a big milestone. But, I’ll save that story for later because my plan is to convalesce all day. I have a date with my bed, some books, some snacks, some beverage, and possibly some Netflix or HBOMax.
I learned in 2019 that the best way for me to spend Mother’s Day is alone doing all the things that don’t require anything of me and make way for full decompression. I have no guilt about this because I know what I give 364 days of the year.
Yesterday, a friend shared this clip of her news anchor friend sharing with viewers my exact sentiments.
Her co-anchor’s face says it all. We are bad moms if we want alone time on a day that’s supposed to be about celebrating us.
Whether you cringed or laughed at this mom’s take on Mother’s Day, know that we are not superheroes even though we often perform superhuman tasks. We are people deserving of whatever acknowledgement that pours into us since we spend our waking hours pouring into our families. If you want to be celebrated in the company of others or from a distance while you convalesce in your bed, go for it without guilt.
Today is your day and I hope you spend it exactly how you want.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of you fierce Mamas.
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