The Community
It’s been a week! I’m preparing to teach two undergrad classes in the Art and Art Ed Departments at City College (seemed like a great idea a few months ago). I’ve been thinking about the realities of raising small people while being a support to aging parents. Nick and I have been discussing what it looks like to have a more fleshed out leadership team and admin team at the shop…we currently employ 25 people in part-time and full-time capacities but we only have one store manager. And, my one-one-one coaching client list is already growing.
As I navigate all of these realities, my brain won’t stop delivering ideas for projects and initiatives that I’d also like to work on. I think I spend a good portion of my day putting my excitement for all new and exciting ventures on a shelf for when I can give some solid attention to them.
But, there is this one idea that I have had for over a year that is a continuation of the work I have been doing for the last four with our New Mom’s Group.
This is the idea I’d love your thoughts on. It’s something I’d like to launch maybe later this year.
Earlier this week when I posted on our Sugar Hill Creamery Instagram account that the Jan/Feb New Mom’s Group would be starting on Wednesday, folks were excited but there were people who asked if we had other groups…ones for moms with slightly older children and for moms who are expecting. I’ve also been asked if we have groups for moms with multiple kids.
Of course, you know that we don’t currently offer any of these groups because I don’t have the capacity to run them.
But, here’s the idea — what if there were a SHMOM Membership Community that gave members unlimited access to any of the aforementioned support groups (pre-natal, new mom, mom with multiple kids, moms with older kids, etc), plus a weekly virtual event that covered topics focused on increasing the quality of life for moms in general, but especially working moms, a monthly in-person meetup, and some of my coaching content focused around mindset and life optimization?
The membership fee would be $50/month with a minimum 3-month commitment.
Do you think people would join? What else would this group need to compel folks to be apart of it (if anything)? What other questions would you need answered for this to be a thing to consider?
These are real questions and I really want to have a conversation about what this might look like.
Of course, I would not be the only facilitator because re-read the first paragraph of this email.
I’d be bringing in facilitators and a community manager.
But, is this something you’d join? Do you need this kind of space? Can you share this with other moms in your community to see if they’d be interested?
I hope to hear your candid thoughts about this idea.
Also, if you are looking for support around manifesting your biggest and brightest dreams, I’ll be leading a free creative visioning workshop for the Well-Read Black Girl community on Saturday, January 29th. You do not need to be a well-read Black girl to attend. You can learn more about the event here.
Have a great weekend and I hope you share your thoughts with me about this SHMOM Membership Community idea.
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