New Year, Is That You?
Yesterday, I hosted an end of year reflection breakfast to give some of my coaching clients an opportunity to reflect on this year and set intentions for 2024. Do you ever take time at the end of the year to reflect on all that happened?
Yesterday's breakfast included some of the business owners and career shifters whom I have had the great privilege of working with this year. They reflected on 2023 and set intentions for 2024 over breakfast at our Lenox Ave store.
At the end of 2016, a friend sent me a workbook to do just this. I found it in our recent house decluttering project. The pages illustrated a version of me that needed a more integrated life. I wanted to be more attentive to our children. I wanted this ice cream business idea that we had just thought about to work out. I wanted to be in my neighborhood more. In fact, I said my word for 2017 was local.
My takeaways from rediscovering these musings were that writing your hopes and dreams down is powerful. Having a vision for the life you want to live is necessary if you are to achieve it. And, taking action is required to make any of it happen.
As we close out 2023, I hope you’ll take a moment to write down the life you want to live whether that’s in 2024 or in 2027. Be detailed and think big even if your big is actually a downsized version of your current life.
Here's a pic from that 2016 reflection workbook that I mentioned. My 2017 word was "Local."
Reflect on all that happened this year. What excited you? What did you love? What scared you? What did you overcome? What new habit did you begin? What did you accomplish? What progress did you make towards your big goals? What do you want to leave in 2023? And, finally, if you had to sum up the year in three words, what would they be?
For 2024, complete the prompt, “Wouldn’t it be nice…”
You can continue to set intentions for 2024 in this workbook that I shared yesterday.
We’re about to bring in the New Year with one of my best friends and her family as we do every New Year’s Eve. Some years I fall asleep on their couch before midnight. Most years I’m up until the wee hours. I foresee this year being a wee hours kind of celebration because even though our 2023 did not start the way we intended, it ended with a lot to celebrate.
If you're looking to make some professional changes in 2024 or start a business, let's talk in the New Year.
Sending my best,
Your Local Ice Cream Lady and Life/Business Coach