A Practice in Imperfect Action
All week I’ve been thinking about the email I wanted to share today. It was going to be about everyday miracles. I have so much to share about the recent applications of this concept in my own life. But, alas, I used my writing time to have an almost two hour catch up conversation with my sister. I ran out of time to prepare my perspective on and encouragement to see the manifestation of everyday miracles in our lives. I hope to share more on this topic soon.
Instead, I’m sharing a collection of images from how we spent Father’s Day and a few calls to action that I hope you take.
I kicked off the day at a track meet and then posted this morning's Harlemites story on Instagram. Following that, the girls and I met up with Nick and Nico at the Broadway store. We surprised Nick with a breakfast sandwich from Chipped Cup (small gestures matter, lol) and then headed to StuyTown/Peter Cooper Village to train a team member on how to open and close the newest Sugar Hill Creamery location.
Before we headed out to celebrate Father's Day with friends, Zadie and Nico performed an improv play about two video game obsessed kids who were going on a road trip to Disney World with their family for Nick as their Father's Day present to him. Zadie made the "set" at school and finished her puppets at home. We ended the evening playing Apples to Apples at our friends' house. Have you played that game? It was my first time. It's so fun!
If you’re an alumnae of the Sugar Hill New Mom’s Group, join our listserv. If you know a new mom living uptown who has recently delivered, encourage her to join our Sugar Hill New Mom’s Group. If you’re looking for something to do on Juneteenth, visit one of our five locations to enjoy our Juneteenth Flavor, which we will be reveal on our Instagram account this week. If you’re looking for an adult way to celebrate Juneteenth, join us at BEM Book’s Juneteenth Celebration at Akwaaba Mansion next Saturday, June 22nd in Brooklyn.
Sending lots of love,
Your Local Ice Cream Lady & Life/Business Coach