Suppressing Our Curiosities
Welcome to a new year. I’ll make this missive short and sweet.
During the summer of 2021, I was invited to address the high school student body from my alma mater in DC. The theme for the school year was the road less traveled. Apparently, I fit the bill. 😆
I shared with the students that my professional life to date had been informed by my interests. From art school to museum education to going into business for myself, each endeavor has been buoyed by my curiosities. Has every career decision been understood by my peers? Nope, but did it matter? Definitely, nope.
We cultivate curiosity in our little ones but when it’s time for us to make the “right” decision and to “adult” correctly, we sometimes suppress our own curiosities.
As we enter a new year, we are faced with so many possibilities. So many of our choices for how we want to spend our time will be based on what we think is possible, what we think isn’t possible, what we think is acceptable, and what we think is the right thing to do.
In these first days and weeks of 2022, let’s all remember to nurture our curiosities. Within them are often where our zones of genius lie. And, when we are working in our zones of genius we can both support ourselves financially, mentally, and emotionally while honoring the interests that make us interesting.
Sending my best for a great 2022!
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